Course curriculum

With a growing recognition that health is determined by much more than just health care, Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has emerged as one tool that can plant the seeds for integrating health into decision making processes which have not historically taken health into account - such as land use or transportation decisions. Learn about the social determinants of health, how planning impacts public health, review the six steps of HIA and finish with a discussion on how HIAs have been utilized within planning and zoning processes.

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About this course

  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • 1.5 CM Credits

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Learning objectives:

  • Participants will better understand the connections between public health and planning/land use decisions

  • Participants will be able to describe the history of HIA practice in the U.S., HIA core values, and the six steps involved in the HIA process.

  • Participants will have increased knowledge on how HIAs have been utilized within planning and land use processes.


Lindsey Realmuto

Lindsey is a third year PhD student in the Urban Planning and Policy department at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). She came to UIC with 10 years of experience working in the public health field, with a focus on better understanding the health impacts of the built environment. While working in New York, she led one of the first health impact assessments (HIA) completed in New York City on a neighborhood rezoning plan in East Harlem and was a guest lecturer on HIA to NYU medical students two years in a row. In her prior role as a Health Program Planner in the Program on Health, Equity, and Sustainability at the San Francisco Department of Health, she helped prepare for and facilitate annual HIA training for professionals from diverse fields. Additionally, since 2014, she has been a member of the Society of Practitioners of Health Impact Assessment (SOPHIA), a professional organization that provides leadership and promotes excellence in the field of HIA. From 2016-2018, she served as a Steering Committee member for the organization. Lindsey has a Masters in Public Health from George Washington University and a Bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies from Tulane University.