Findings of fact are the specific reasons given by a community to either approve or deny an application or request. But who prepares the findings? And are the findings based on regulations in the community’s zoning code? Likewise, will the findings hold up in a court of law? Take the mystery out of findings of fact by attending this informative webinar. Hear from local planners and land use attorneys on this critical topic, and take part in an interactive discussion based on real public hearing scenarios.

Panelists include:

  • Dan Lev, Associate at Ancel Glink
  • Erin Monforti, Associate at Ancel Glink
  • Phillip Green, AICP, Village of Hoffman Estates

Registration Fee

Contact [email protected] for group registration.

Course curriculum

    1. Instructions

    2. About this webinar

    3. How to use Thinkific (optional)

    1. Access the recording here

    1. Resources

    1. Thank you for joining this course. We would appreciate your feedback.

About this course

  • 1.5 hours

APA-IL Training Faculty

Erin Monforti

Attorney, Ancel Glink

Dan Lev

Attorney, Ancel Glink

Phillip Green, AICP

Transportation & Long Range Planner, Village of Hoffman Estates

Phil Green, AICP brings his energy as an improv performer to the stage of community planning. As the Transportation & Long Range Planner for the Village of Hoffman Estates, he is manages zoning code updates, transportation grants, and orchestrates planning efforts from strategic plans to sub-area and comprehensive plans. Hailing from across the pond, Phil completed his studies at the University of Liverpool with a BA in Sociology and a Master's of Civic Design in Town & Regional Planning.